Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Tommaso Durante's new artist's book

A collaboration by Tommaso Durante and Chris Wallace-Crabbe
Orders to:
Tommaso Durante at tdurante at big pond dot net dot au or through
Vamp & Tramp Booksellers in the USA.

The Continental Review

The Continental Review

The Continental Review aims to be:

(1) A forum for video readings of new poetry (2) A forum for video reviews of new poetry (3) A forum for video interviews on poetics

Poetry hasn't missed or resisted the New Media boat, so why should poetry journals? The Continental Review is debuting from its Paris base with the help of a video editor, a webmaster, and a number of extraordinary poets. There will be no monthly or quarterly issues: the site will be continuously updated, on a rolling basis, with new video reviews, readings and interviews. This is an evolving project.

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Searching for the holly grail - Books - Entertainment - theage.com.au

A poet of great discernment and taste is Jennifer Maiden!


Had the request been for a "best book", I'd have bolted, but "my fancy" seems less hierarchical. And had they not published my last collection, I would have said that an irresistible poetry book this year was anything by Giramondo - including Not Finding Wittgenstein by J. S. Harry. I'd have added that the Giramondo periodical, Heat, continues to develop successfully into what Encounter tried to achieve, unsuccessfully, 50 years ago. Fortunately, elsewhere and just as impressive: Tim Thorne's A Letter to Egon Kisch (Cornford Press) uses traditional forms to express untraditional sentiment with gritty wit. Phyllis Perlstone's fine The Edge of Everything (Puncher & Wattman) blends careful details of reality and the danger behind reality in moving time. Chris Mansell's Love Poems (Kardoorair Press) shine with Mansell's wonderful wiry stylistic precision and a poignant mood of loss.

David Kelly's Tall Trees (thekelly@bigpond.com) studies trees as trees sensually, with a metaphor of communal undergrowth in society and self. And Dorothy Porter gave again in El Dorado (Picador) an incisive public voice to private human obsessions.

Searching for the holly grail - Books - Entertainment - theage.com.au

Monday, 3 December 2007

PVN Archived Stream - 60-Second Lectures

Now Scientific American does it, but go to PVN Archived Stream - 60-Second Lectures for lectures like:

Vijay Balasubramanian, Merriam Term Assistant Professor of Physics
"The Knowable Universe"

(an expanding universe perhaps since sixty seconds now takes 104 seconds...)


Charles Bernstein, professor of English, answers the question: "What Makes a Poem a Poem?"

Concelebratory Shoehorn Review

Concelebratory Shoehorn Review which carries the tag line: "A Monthly Literary & Arts E-Zine Powerful Enough To Disrupt Language & Still Leave A Q Where The U Once Was" - hmmm.

This (December) issue has poems by John Tranter among others.